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PTFA Academic and Conduct Policy
Academic and Conduct Policy
Portland Tackle Football Association
Academic and Conduct Policy
For over 40 years Portland Tackle Football Associaton has been dedicated to fair and fun play.
Developing athletes who embody character, integrity, hard work, and sportsmanship. As
amazing as it is to see youth athletes succeed on the playing field, it is more impressive that,
they succeed academically and relationally among their peers. Portland Tackle Football
Association feels that, developing athletes who fail academically and are prone to bad conduct,
is a failure of Portland Tackle Football Associa7ons mission. For this we have created a standard
to which athletes are responsible for their grades and behavior.
Academic/Conduct Policy
"A strong mind and strong body”, is one description of the relationship between academics and
athletics. PTFA supports this relationship. If a player is suspended from attending school by
their school, then the player will be suspended from playing in the next scheduled game. The
suspension from playing becomes effective the first game following confirmation of the
suspension with the school by the coach(es). The player's parent(s) are expected to notfy the
player's coach(es) before the next scheduled practce or game upon learning of their child's
suspension from school.
GRADES (6th thru 8th grade)
• Two or more classes with a failing grade (D’s or F’s) for one week will result in a parent
notification and warning.
• Two or more classes with a failing grade (D’s or F’s) for two consecutive weeks will deem
the athlete officially ineligible to participate in that week’s contest.
Unacceptable Behavior
• Use of alcohol and/or tobacco
• Foul language
• Poor sportsmanship
• Inappropriate behaviors
• Bullying/ Hazing
Disciplinary Actions
A. First Offense: Warning
B. Second Offense: Suspended from competing in the next contest.
C. Third Offense: Suspended for the remainder of the season.