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Portland Tackle Football Bylaws

PTFA Bylaws

Portland Tackle Football Bylaws

Bylaws, Rules and Regulations
Pending approval-Amended on March 8, 2023

Article I

The name of this non-profit organization is “Portland Tackle
Football Association, Inc.” (PTFA)
Article II

The objective of the PTFA is(to provide) a wholesome youth
tackle football/cheerleading program that: (1) promotes
sportsmanship and fair play; (2) affords all football
players the opportunity to play each game and cheerleaders
the opportunity to cheer at each game; (3) teaches the
importance of character; (4) emphasizes athletic and social
skills, and promotes a healthy attitude; (5) teaches that
winning is not the most important objective; (6) requires
and expects all coaches to teach and lead through positives
examples; (7) encourages coaches to teach the basic
fundamentals of football and cheerleading; and (8) with
cooperation and coordination with the Portland High School
Football and Cheerleading programs.
Article III

Section 1. Board Members.
A. Election of Executive Board Officers. (EBO) The PTFA
shall be governed by an Executive Board. The
Executive Board shall be elected positions and shall
include the following officers: President, Vice
President, Secretary, and Treasurer. To be eligible
to serve on the Executive Board the person must have
served on the Board of Directors for at least one of
the last three years. All Executive Board Officers
shall serve a two year term and have the authority to
co-sign checks. Executive Board Officers shall be
elected at the January meeting of each new calendar
year. President and Treasurer terms will begin and
expire in January of odd number years. Vice President


and Secretary will begin and expire in January of even
number years.
B. Election of Board of Directors. The Board of Directors
shall consist of the Executive Board and all actively
involved Board Members. To be an actively involved
Board Member a person must attend 3 out of the last 5
board meetings. The Board of Directors will assume
all voting privileges once all criteria for membership
are met.
C. Meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet monthly,
January through November, unless otherwise determined
by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
D. Quorum. There must be a minimum of five board members
to hold a Board of Directors’ meeting or to vote on
any issue (a “Quorum”). The Board President may only
vote in the case of a tie, but can be counted as a
member for purposes of establishing a quorum.
E. Closed Vote. Any Board Member making a motion can
request a closed vote at the time the motion is made.
A closed vote is restricted to actively involved Board
Members only.
F. Resignation / Removal / Expulsion. Any member of the
Board of Directors may resign upon written notice
delivered to the President and/or Vice President of
the PTFA, and filed with the Secretary. Any Board
Member, including Officers and/or Coaches and
appointed Coordinators (see below) may be removed or
expelled from the Board of Directors based on written
notification of behavior unbecoming of a person
affiliated with the PTFA to the Board. The Board
Member has the right to appeal before the Executive
Board. A two-thirds majority vote of the Board
Members present is necessary to remove/expel a Board
Member. If the Board Member who resigns, or is
expelled or removed is an EBO, the remaining Board
Members may fill the vacant position by conducting a
vote as provided herein at the next regularly
scheduled Board Meeting at which a quorum is present.
The person filling the vacancy will fulfil the
remainder the removed/expelled member’s term.
G. Expenditures. All major purchases will be approved by
the Board with the exception of league fees, referee
fees, insurances, and start up monies for concessions
to be reset to $2000.00 at the beginning of each
season, and fund raising. Any purchases under the
amount of $50.00 will be at the discretion of the


Treasurer unless approved by the Board. Upon an
emergency situation where the board is unable to meet
and decisions need to be made, the president or vice
president has the ability to approve up to $500.00,
Secretary or Treasurer up to $300.00. All monies
distributed by the PTFA will require the signature of
two EBO’s if done by check, or documented approval by
two EBO’s if done by Debit Card.
Section 2. Executive Board Officers (EBO)
A. Nominations for the EBO positions shall be made
in November by any member of the Board of Directors.
Nominations may also be made from the floor at the
January Board Meeting. Election of The EBO shall be at
the January meeting. New EBO’s shall begin their term
of office at the next Board of Directors meeting
following the election of officers.
B. An EBO may be removed for good cause by a 2/3rds vote of
the Board of Directors providing there exists a quorum
at the meeting.
C. The Board of Directors shall elect the following EBO
Members who shall also serve on the Board: President,
Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. EBO’s shall
serve their term as noted in section 2E (below) or until
the EBO is expelled, removed or the EBO resigns as
provided in these Bylaws. Vacancies which occur during
an Officer’s term shall be filled by the Board of
Directors at the next regularly scheduled Board of
Directors’ meeting at which a quorum is present. Board
Members may nominate a person for the vacant EBO
position. The person elected to fill a vacancy shall
serve the predecessor’s remaining term.
D. If a husband and wife both hold an executive board
position they shall not co-sign on the same check, or be
the only two approvers on a debit card purchase.
E. The EBO’s shall perform the duties and exercise the
powers prescribed by these By-Laws and as necessary to
fulfill their position, including, but not limited to
the following:
President. The President shall act as the
Chairperson of the Board of Directors and shall be an
Executive member of all committees established by the Board
of Directors. The President shall be responsible for the
overall conduct of the PTFA and shall be responsible for
assuring that the PTFA conducts itself in accordance with


the current affiliated league rules. He/She will only vote
in the case of a tie. The President shall have the
authority to co-sign checks and approve debit card usage.
Vice President. The Vice President shall carry out
duties delegated to him/her by the President. The Vice
President shall have the authority to co-sign checks and
approve debit card usage.
Secretary. The Secretary shall maintain the
paperwork of the organization, take minutes at all Board
of Directors Meetings, prepare agendas for upcoming
meetings, notify members of meetings and events, and has
the authority to co-sign checks and approve debit card
Treasurer. The Treasurer is responsible for
managing the financial resources, and tax/ corporate
reporting requirements of the PTFA. The Treasurer shall
disperse funds as approved by the Board of Directors,
prepare budgets and financial reports and maintain
checking and savings accounts on behalf of the PTFA.
Section 3. Coordinator Positions. The Board of Directors
will appoint as many Board Members as it believes necessary
to fulfill and carry out the following coordinator
Cheerleading Coach Coordinator
Football Coach Coordinator
Equipment Coordinator
Team Parent Coordinator
Fund Raiser Coordinator
Concessions Coordinator
Web Site/Social Media Coordinator
Field and Grounds Coordinator
Registration Coordinator
8th Grade Banquet Coordinator
Golf Outing Coordinator
Picture Coordinator

Persons appointed to these positions shall serve at will
until the person resigns or is expelled or removed by the
Executive Board.
Section 4. League Representative. The Board of Directors
shall appoint a member of the Board of Directors to serve as
the PTFA’s current affiliated league(s). This appointment
shall be reviewed at the January meeting of each year.


Section 5. Special Circumstances. If necessary The
EBO may make decisions on behalf of the PTFA without a full
board meeting. The vote of the EBO must be a 2/3 vote.
Examples of possible Special Circumstances are, but not
limited to coach or player expulsion, emergency disciplinary
circumstances or field maintenance. Any emergency situations
that require immediate actions per the EBO are included in
Special Circumstances.

Article IV

Section 1. Football/Cheerleading Coaches
A. Each year, the Executive Board may convene a football
and cheerleading coach selection panel. The Selection
Panel may consist of Board Members and/or persons not
on the PTFA Board of Directors who are familiar with
the PTFA and its mission / goals. Except as set forth
in paragraph J below, any person wishing to serve as
a football or cheerleading coach, including returning
coaches, 1. must complete a coach’s application, 2.
provide any information requested by the
football/cheerleading coach Selection Panel, and 3.
Participate in a coaches interview process conducted
by the football/cheerleading coach selection Panel.
The written coaches application must be submitted to
the Coach Coordinator no later than the date specified
by the Board of Directors for that calendar year. The
written application shall indicate whether the person
is interested in serving as a Head Coach or Assistant
Coach. Coach applicants can indicate with whom he/she
would like to coach with. A returning coach in Good
Standing will be given preference if requesting to
return to the team he or she coached the year before.
In “Good Standing” means a Coach who has not violated
the rules of current affiliated league(s), which
govern the conduct of the PTFA and/or any other
rules/regulations as determined by the PTFA Executive
Board. The coach selection panel reserves the right
to determine final coaching assignments in the event
that two teams are merged into one.
B. Head Coaches are responsible for all equipment issued
to their team and their players/cheerleaders.
However, the equipment coordinator(s) are responsible


for organizing and maintaining equipment handout and
turn-in activities / records.
C. Head Football Coaches are responsible for ensuring
that there are only five coaches on the sidelines
during games. There is no limit to the amount of
coaches that can help at practice, but they must
rotate on game day so that there are no more than five
coaches on the sidelines at any one given time. Only
the five coaches that have been designated by the
board of directors are allowed at Player Selection.
Anyone coaching or directing a player(s) on a practice
or game field must have current year coaching
application and background check on file with PTFA.
The EBO has final say of who is permitted to instruct
players in practice or a game setting.
D. Head Football and Cheerleading Coaches are
responsible for communicating with the Team Parent to
ensure all volunteer responsibilities are covered.
E. Head Football Coaches are responsible for ensuring
that each player on the team plays at least the
minimum number of plays required by the current
affiliated league(s), and that no player(s)
dominate(s) or play(s) such that some player(s)
receive(s) only the minimum number of plays.
F. The Head Coach from each football/cheerleading team
shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Board. The
Head Coach Advisors shall have a voice but no vote on
the Board proceedings, except that a Head Coach who
is also a PTFA Board Member shall have a vote.
G. Coaches may be removed for violation of the Coaches’
Creed or behavior unbecoming of the PTFA or the
current affiliated league(s) by a 2/3 vote of the
Board of Directors.
H. Coaches removed have the right to appeal before the
Executive Board Officers.
I. All coaches are required to attend one Coaches meeting
facilitated by the PTFA and have a criminal
background/history check done through the Michigan
State Police. All Coaches must also meet the minimum
criteria set by the Michigan Public Schools as
mandated by the current affiliated league(s) prior
to coaching and/or the beginning of the season.
Football Coaches must also attend a Coaches’ Rules
Meeting, facilitated by current affiliated
league(s), and any other coaching clinics as
determined by the Board of Directors. All coaches must


agree to PTFA Mandated Reporter Policy. All coaches
must review, sign and adhere to PTFA Bi-laws.
J. All attempts will be made to allow Coaches to follow
their team upon successful completion of the interview
process. If a coach volunteers for a particular team,
the Board will try to place them where they wish, but
may have to assign the coach where the positions are
needed. Preference shall be given to coaches whose
children are playing/cheering.
K. After two consecutive years of coaching, coach
interviews may be waived at the Board’s discretion.
L. Head Coaches must have copies of the participants
emergency contact list in their possession at all
practices and games. In the event that the head coach
is absent at any time during the season they are
responsible for appointing an assistant coach to be
responsible for emergency contact list.
M. In the event of any dispute, The EBO has final say in
any and all coaching assignment/ Player selection

Article V
Tax Exempt

Section 1. Tax Exempt. PTFA is considered a non-profit
organization under the laws of the State of Michigan and
Federal law and has been issued a tax-exempt number. All funds
of the corporation shall be deposited from time to time with
the Portland Federal Credit Union or as otherwise directed by
the corporation.
Section 2. Use of Funds. All funds or properties of the
PTFA of any nature, whatsoever, shall be used and distributed
exclusively for use of carrying out the mission and purpose
of this organization.
Section 3. In the event of dissolution of the Portland
Tackle Football Association, all assets shall be used for
purposes like those of the original and shall be distributed
as voted on by the Board. Under no circumstances shall funds


or properties be distributed to or for the benefit of any
Board member.

Article VI

Section 1. Eligible Participants. In accordance with the
current affiliated league(s) rules, any child that attends
school in the Portland Public School District, who is enrolled
in the 4th through 8th grade is eligible to play
football/cheer. 3rd Graders who are 9 years old on or before
September 1st may play in the 4th Grade division. If a child
resides within the Portland Public School District, but
attends school in another district, that child is only
eligible to play football/cheer if the district in which
he/she attends school DOES NOT have a football/cheer program.
However, if a child lives in the Portland School District the
PTFA Board may consider extenuating circumstances and permit
the child to play for the PTFA.
Section 2. Participants must attend two practices prior
to a game to play/cheer unless approval is given by the Head
Section 3. Football Participants must attend the last
practice before a game in order to start, exceptions to be
approved by the Head Coach.
Section 4. Participants must be on time for all
practices. Calisthenics/warm-ups must still be completed
regardless of time of arrival. All football participants
must complete conditioning per current affiliated league(s)
rules prior to the start of live contact. All 7th and 8th
Grade players must complete 6 hours of conditioning and all
other grades must complete 8 hours of conditioning.
Section 5. Participants medical forms and physical cards
must be submitted to the PTFA Board between the time of
registration and conditioning. If the physical form is not
completed by the time the football player begins
conditioning, the player must attend conditioning and watch
until the paperwork is turned in.
Article VII

Section 1. Any use of tobacco products, consuming
alcohol, foul language, poor sportsmanship and inappropriate
behaviors will not be tolerated by coaches, players, parents,
or any person associated with the PTFA during practices,
conditioning or games.


A. Violations for coaches shall result in the following:
First offense: Warning. Second offense: Out for the
next game. Third offense: Removed from coaching
position for the current season.
B. Violations for players shall result in the following:
First offense: Warning. Second offense: Out of the
1st half of next game. Third offense: Out for the
season, no refund of money.
C. Executive Board Officers that hold a coaching position
will be held to higher standards. Violations shall
result in the following: First offense: Out for one
game. Second offense: Removed from Executive Board
and coaching position.
D. In the event of any serious violation of any PTFA
rules The EBO may dismiss a coach without warning.
Section 2. Any personality conflicts will not be
tolerated. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times by
the Board Members, Coaches, Participants, and Parents.
Any problems with coaches should be addressed to the Head
Coach after taking a 24 hour cool down period. If after
talking with the coach the parent is not satisfied with the
results then they should file a written complaint to the
Football/Cheerleading Coach Coordinator. If need be, the
Football Coach/Cheerleading Coach Coordinator shall raise the
issue with the coach against whom a complaint/concern is
lodged and/or with the Executive Board.

Article VIII
Non Liability

No officer, director, employee or volunteer while actively
engaged in conducting the business of the corporation shall
be liable except for gross negligence or willful misconduct.
The corporation shall indemnify each such person, heirs and
assigns against all expenses, including attorney fees, costs,
fines and penalties.

Article IX
Amendments to the Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended or repealed by a 2/3rds vote of
the Board of Directors present at any duly called meeting of
the PTFA, provided that 7 days’ notice thereof shall be given.

Article X
Independent Organization

PTFA is an independent organization and member of the Mid-
Michigan Pony Football League.

Article XI
Player Selection

Purpose is to ensure that all teams at any given level are as
fair as reasonably possible.
A. When a certain grade has enough Football players/
Cheerleaders so that more than one team is needed at
that level, The Board of Directors will determine the
appropriate number of teams.
B. If more than one team is needed per grade, a Player
Selection process shall occur to ensure that the teams
are as even as possible in terms of player’s ability,
skill, size, speed, strength, as well as any other
physical characteristic.
C. The Football Coach Coordinator and/or A member of the
EBO must supervise the player selection process.
D. All Head Coaches MUST be present for the player selection
E. Assistant coaches are welcome to attend the player
selection, but the final decisions are to be made by the
Head Coach on the team.
F. For player selection purposes, each team is permitted
five coaches total. (1 Head coach and 4 Assistants) Each
team has 5 slots to choose their kids. In the event
that a coach does not have a child in the program they
will be allowed to “catch up” their picks after the
coaches have selected their children. I.E. During
Lineman selection, one team has 3 “coach kids” that are
lineman and the opposing team has no “coach kids” that
are lineman. The team with the “coach kids” that are
lineman will pick their kids first during that selection
time. The opposing team will then select any 3 lineman
that they want to “catch up” their picks.
G. Siblings must stay together, but will count as 2 or 3
picks, depending on the number of siblings.
H. Any discussion about player ability or player selection
order is confidential and WILL NOT be shared with anyone
(including parents) outside the coaching staff and the
Board of Directors.


I. At the beginning of the player selection process Head
Coaches from each grade level will designate player
positions. Head coaches will determine player position
as; 1. Lineman 2. Skilled position 3. Tweeners. Tweeners
will be players that will be selected at large. Head
Coaches will select first Lineman and Lineman only.
After Lineman have all been divided, next will be skilled
position player selection. Lastly, after each skilled
position player is selected the players at large can be
J. Teams will go through a player selection process each
year to ensure fairness. Each year the player selection
process will start from scratch and each player will be
selected from the list. No coach can keep players simply
because they played on their team in prior years.
K. If at the end of the player selection process, all Head
Coaches at any given level do not agree that the teams
are as even as possible, The EBO will conduct a private
meeting in which players at the level will be fairly
allotted. The decision of the EBO is final. If in the
case that an EBO is a coach in the grade level in
question, that EBO is exempt from the private meeting.
To replace the EBO during the private meeting, 1 member
of the Board of Directors will be asked to take the place
of said board member.
L. There will be no promises made before or during the
player selection process. No member of PTFA including
The Board of Directors or Coaches will make promises to
parents regarding coach requests or personal requests
regarding players being on friends/ cousins/ or
neighbors teams. We will do our best to accommodate
special circumstance with Board of Directors approval.

Article XII
Policies and Procedures

A. Without prejudice to the powers conferred by statute,
the Articles of Incorporation, or as otherwise stated in
the bylaws, the Board of Directors shall have the power
to adopt and amend policies for the PTFA. The policy
manual shall be maintained separate and apart from the


© 2023 Portland Tackle Football Association, Inc., P.O. Box 288, Portland, MI 48875.


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